Is Soy-Chunks Healthy Or Not? (For Men)


       The primary hormone in male body is Testosterone, and Female hormone Estrogen which play an essential role in the growth and development of female secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts, pubic and armpit hair.

      Now the soy-chunks, every soy products has a compound of ISOFLAVONES and its called PHYTOESTROGEN (PHYTO = PLANT, ESTROGEN = FEMALE HORMONE).

       Now here is the confusion if a men consume too much soy products like Soy-Chunks, Soy-Milk, Tofu will it increase their Estrogen level and Man Boobs. Yes but Estrogen also necessary for human body, and too much soy product will effect on hormonal imbalance and will increase Estrogen level.

       How much soy is good and safe for MEN??????

       You can safely take 25 g to 30 g of soy protein from soy product...
that means if your r taking soy chunks 100 g of soy chunks contains 52 g of protein then you can eat 50 g of raw soy chunks that means 26 g of protein daily from soy chunks.

Here is the quantity u can take everyday.......

50 g of soy-chunks or 800 ml. soy milk or 300 g tofu

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